Sunday, February 21, 2016

Candle Magic

The workshop for our CUUPS meeting today was about Candle Magic. Unfortunately the person who was scheduled to give the presentation was ill had to cancel at the last minute. So, we read over the notes and handouts from the presenter, and we had an impromptu discussion among ourselves.

There were two ladies who were new to the group and they were really interested in learning more about Candle Magic. I consider my self an eclectic witch, even though I studied the Correllian Wicca Tradition. And a beginner eclectic witch at that! But, it was my honor to pass along information and knowledge that I have learned along the way. It amazed me how much I never realized I knew, until these ladies started asking ME how I do my Candle Magic.

I need to post my disclaimer here! I am NOT into the stiff structure of ceremonial or ritual magic. I prefer choose bits and pieces from various paths, traditions and even other religions, and have developed my own eclectic style. I believe that magic should be PERSONAL to the practitioner. Which is why I feel I am always learning the path.

That out of the way, here is a little of what we talked about.

There are a few different reasons that I love Candle magic.

  • For one, I am an Aries, a fire sign, and have always been drawn to candles, especially scented ones. 
  • Second, it is easy and inexpensive to do. You don't need elaborate ceremonial items, or access to an occult store. The items needed can be purchased in your local Walmart, or grocery store.
  • And thirdly, it can be practiced discretely where to most it would seem to be nothing more than a lit candle.

Q: What color candle should you use?

A: Start by deciding on what your intended outcome for the spell is. There is tons of information out there that teach color associations with different intentions. Here is just one example I found online.
(Keep in mind that different cultures and different parts of the world have different associations with different colors.)

 So, I will say it again.... What ever color FEELS RIGHT to YOU! If you feel a connection with the color blue for a money spell (which is traditionally a green or gold candle) go for it! Its YOUR MAGIC! The only thing you need to remember about choosing the candle, is it must be new, unused for anything else.

Q: How do you anoint the candle with oil and what kind of oil do you use?

A: Olive oil mixed with a few drops of essential oil will do just fine. Use a scented oil associated with your intention and outcome of the spell. You can find lots of information on this subject. Thank the gods for the INTERNET! You could use plain olive oil, or coconut oil, or some even prefer grapeseed oil. But it is still good to have a basic understanding of the various essential oils.

One of my favorite go to books is Scott Cunningham's The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews.

But in the end, use whatever oil feels right to you!

For spells that are to draw something to you, rub the oil from end to middle while focusing on you intention. For banishing spells and intentions to get rid of something, rub the oil on the candle from middle out to the ends.

When anointing your candle, you should be focusing on what you want the outcome of this spell to look like.

You can also carve into the candle, a word or symbol or even several words that relate to your intention.

Ground herbs (also relating to your intention) can be rubbed into the etchings.

There really is no right or wrong way to do this.

Once you have infused your candle with your intention, set it on your altar, or table and light it. Clear your mind and "meditate" on the outcome, and know that as the candle burns it is sending your intention out to the Universe, to the Divine Creator.

I like to let my candle burn all the way down. Some people like to blow them out after they meditate, sending the smoke (air/fire) elements out to the Universe. Some say NEVER blow out your candles, they must be SNUFFED out if they need to be extinguished. AGAIN... whatever feels right to you.

I hope this answered some of the questions. There are many wonderful books on the subject of Candle Magic and I encourage you to check them out, and maybe add a favorite or two to your collection. Just remember, in the end, all magic comes from our Higher Spirit though our heart. Make it personal!

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