Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Yule Blessings

As the holiday season passes in a blink, I scramble to finish all my Yule crafts, purchase last minute stocking stuffers, get out my holiday cards, and decorate our home. It is always a wonderfully hectic time of year.

I give thanks that I live here, in the U.S. in the 21st century and I am free to celebrate the winter solstice however I chose. I have to chuckle a little. The decorated tree, the pine wreath, the candles and lights, even carols for "figgy pudding"... ALL pagan traditions that were adapted into the Christmas holiday celebrations. And yet all over the social media people are making a stink about who says or does not say "Merry Christmas" vs "Happy Holidays".

I was raised Catholic, but it has been many, many years since I turned 18 and as a legal adult, I could chose a spiritual path other than that of my parents. I am wiccan, I practice magic and study witchcraft, although I have not "come out of the broom closet" to everyone in my social circles. I have friends and family who are Christian of various denominations. I have acquaintances who are Jewish. I have friends who belong to Science of the Mind Church, and some, I don't really know what church they belong to. It never came up in conversation. So, when I hear, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Kwanzaa or even Namaste, I don't argue about what they said! I know in my heart that they are happy to be celebrating their holiday, and wishing me happiness celebrating mine. Isn't that what the season is all about?

That being said, I am still joyous that my husband and I found a little slice of belonging here in the Bible Belt of all places, when we were introduced to members of the local Unitarian Universalist Church, and then to members of CUUPS (Covenant of the Unitarian Universalist Pagans) and from there, several other pockets of Wicca, Pagan, Heathen groups. I found many great like-minded people with whom I can celebrate Yule.

I am also very excited for the upcoming CUUPS Dirty Santa party (similar to a Yankee swap or a White Elephant where gifts can be stolen or traded). Handmade gifts, I am told, get thieved the most, and are the most fun to give. SO... even though I probably should not share this before the party, I just can't help it.

Ever since I got my Silhouette cutting machine last Spring, I have been wanting to try glass etching. I designed the stencil myself in the the Silhouette software. This was the second try. The first plate I did, the image was off center, and there was one tiny triangle that got etched by mistake. That's OK. I'll keep the practice one. This one came out perfect. I think I will even add some sweet goodies and make it an edible gift on a beautiful plate.

I said there were two... My husband asked if I could make something for him to gift. Soooo, I also made a cute Grinch tree ornament. I also made a few extra to post for sale on my Etsy store, but I made one special for the Dirty Santa/Krampus Switcheroo.

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful holiday season, no matter what you are celebrating.

Blessed Be, and Happy Yule!

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