Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Developing My Intuition with a Pendulum

We all have Intuition. It is just that some people use theirs better than others. I'm sure you have heard the expressions "Listen to your GUT" or "Gut Feeling". That refers to the 6th sense that EVERYONE has but doesn't always listen to.

It really isn't "Magic". It is our subconscious mind connecting with or our Higher Self. Some call this the collective unconscious, or the Divine. It is the part of ourselves that "just know"what is best for us, help us make the best decisions, and ultimately guide us on our Life's Path".

The point is that you must be able to access that part of subconscious mind. (Some use meditation and I'll write about that in a later post.) I have found that using a pendulum is a quick and reliable way to access our intuition.

Both my husband and I are working on listening to our Divine Intuition much more than we do....

Using a pendulum is not about asking for the winning lotto numbers, it is about accessing that inner voice that instinctively knows the answer to what is best for your greater good.

I have a few pendulums. My very first one was a fishing weight on a heavy thread. I have bought others since then, some were crystals and stones on chains. I have one that opens so I can put "tiny treasures" in it to make it "more receptive to my energy". But my favorite one is my simple metal one on a metal chain and I have gotten spectacularly accurate results with it. So, I have been using it more and more recently, since we both decided to focus on developing this part of ourselves.

But, it doesn't matter how much you paid for your pendulum. A cheap fishing weight on a string, works just as well as an expensive jewel-encrusted crystal on a gold chain. You can even use an existing piece of jewelry if you like. A wedding band on a chain for instance, was traditionally used as a pendulum to determine the sex of an unborn baby by holding it over the mothers belly-bulge.

The most difficult part for me is asking the correct questions to get the most accurate answers. So, I researched and found a wonderful book that has been a wonderful help with this. Here is the book that I bought on Amazon...."Ask the Right Questions" by Maggie and Nigel Percy.

The key is BALANCE. Use it as a tool to get in touch with your inner Divine. Don't use your pendulum as a crutch for blindly making important/hard decisions. Always listen to your inner voice. If the you are getting an answer that doesn't feel right, rephrase the question, or ask yourself why it doesn't feel right. You might be surprised at the answers you give yourself.  

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