Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Rune Zentangle Meditation

A just over a week ago, I was invited to a Zentangle Workshop that a friend of mine was giving. I didn't know much about it. I heard the word before, but that was about it.

She explained that it was a form of meditative art. I thought... "Cool, I'm an artist, and I like to meditate. Let's do this!"

I had no idea it would be this addicting!

So, fast forward a week. I just presented my workshop on making your own set of Viking Runes. One of the things I like to do is pull a rune, read its meaning/interpretation from my favorite Rune Book, and meditate on how what I read relates to me and my present situation.

[Side Note]
In case you are wondering, my favorite Rune book is The Book Of Runes by Ralph Blum. I've had mine for many years, but you can get the 25th Anniversary Edition on Amazon.

Today I couldn't decide if I wanted to do a Zentagle square or pull a Rune for my morning meditation. Then, I thought, why should I have to choose. And I combined the two techniques!

My first (of many) Rune Zentagle Meditation projects is Berkano, Growth and Rebirth.

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