Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Moon Magic, Full Moon Oil, and Blue Moon Magic

The Full moon last night got me thinking about moon magic.

When working with the Moon, a simple rule of thumb is to use the New Moon to begin projects, attract money, help relationships, and aid in health problems, bring new ideas and new opportunity. It marks a personal turning point or time to let go of whatever is not working for us anymore in our lives. Bad or unhealthy habits, regrets or fears or even people and things that hold us back! This is the time to let go.

Use the Full Moon to bring energy to projects already started. Spells cast during a full moon are used to accomplish goals, charge magical tools, empowering. It is a time to take action on whatever rituals and spells you invoked during the New Moon phases. 

Uses of Full Moon Oils vary with beliefs and spiritual practices. It is mainly used in any magic workings, rituals or spells that harness or emphasize the magical power of this phase of the full moon.

Here are some of the uses:

  • Wear as a Body Perfume to increase and deepen your psychic powers during a Full Moon 
  • Honoring the Mother Goddess 
  • Anoint candles 
  • Add a few drops into a Ritual Bath when preparing for Ritual 
  • Anoint members as they enter Circle
  • Anytime you feel like you need the moons energy

Here is a very simple recipe for Full Moon Oil

½ ounce of almond oil
13 drops of sandalwood oil
9 drops of vanilla essential oil
3 drops of jasmine essential oil
1 drop of rose essential oil

Mix these together in a clear glass container before the evening of the full moon. Set the container outside under the full moon.

If you are like me and cannot leave it outside, either due to nosy neighbors, thieving local dogs, cats or raccoons, or maybe you live in an apartment complex…. Whatever the reason, don't worry. It will work just as well if you charge by leaving it on a windowsill overnight during the full moon.

Blue moon magic is a very modern concept. The term Blue Moon has come to mean, "Something that happens very infrequently" and is defined as the second full moon in any calendar month.

Before the conversion to the Gregorian calendar in the late 1500's, the months were counted by the moon. So, this definition of a Blue Moon would not have existed before then. A lunar year was 13 full moons. A lunar month is approximately 29.5 days. Therefore two full moons in any given Gregorian calendar month happen every 2 ½ years or so. But the moon does not actually turn or appear BLUE.

So, because much of the modern wicca and pagan beliefs today have many of their roots in earth/season changes that follow the moon phases and not the 12 Month Calendar, there really is no formal significance attached to the blue moon. But that doesn't mean that it isn't significant for you!

Some modern practices hold special ceremonies, and others only perform initiations at the time of a blue moon. You can certainly treat it as an especially magical time if you wish.

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